Camp B amenities block under construction April 2016.
Amenties block at camp B under construction - April 2016. Now complete and operational; running water, sink, shower and toilet.

Property Overview

Jackals Hide consists of 5,000 acres of soft river flats and rises into rugged hills. Beautiful Tenterfield Creek carves its way through the middle of Jackals Hide, and has good stocks of Murray Cod and Yellow Belly. As a bowhunting only property, Jackals Hide gives bowhunters quality game to chase. Fallow & Rusa deer, wild pigs, trophy goats, foxes, feral cats, wild dogs and rabbits can all be found inside its boundaries.

We are a sheep farming enterprise and bow hunting is very important to the business:
Certain species of feral/wild animals are highly destructive to ovine: Wild dogs attack and kill the sheep, pigs and foxes kill and devour the lambs. Through years of trial and error, we have found game archery to be the most effective, safe and convenient method of control. Today bow hunting and our very specific primary industry go hand in hand on the sheep station. Although the days of the State's wild dog scalp bounty legislation have long since passed, much of the income produced from bow hunting on Jackals Hide we return to hunters through our own private bounty system (use the contact us form or enquire within for rewards paid for the effective despatch of canines).

The management and staff of Jackals Hide would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your families and we look forward to seeing you in the near future.